Monday, August 17, 2009

The Tech Freak LIVES!!!

Hello Everybody this is the beginning to a blog written by the Nik meister.

Gimme up to date games, and I'll post them. I want to review a movie, I expect critics in my face. Comics books?! tell me what to share?!. World News! Keep me posted to the latest happenins.

The Tech Jammer blog posts anything involving games and gadgets from corners like Microsoft's most anticipated device like the debut of Project Natal, to the breathtaking couch crunching anticipation release of the newest line of the Metal Gear Series. Coming up later.

As a movie buff, I want to be up to date to all the movie releases and how the movie turns up. Thanks to Wiki. I have a list of what to come up in the following year, so look forward to my thoughts and commentary.

I write fanfictions as a hobby, while still learning how to write a good story and hope to one day create novels. So I welcome all who likes to express their ideas and excersice their brains to share their ideas with me and I hope to be involved to the best of my abilities. Anime fans, couch potatoes, fanfiction writers, fictionpress writers... Talk with me.

You have an inkling that I love comic books with so far. Anything from the sci-fi suit of Iron Man, to the green theme hero of Green Lantern, you can expect news involving from MARVEL and DC. Dont be fooled though... I' am not restricted to comic books. Like I said, I hope to write my own novels, so I look forward to any good upcoming releases from the professionals. If you have a book you would recommend, I encourage sharing it.

For those with an artistic touch, help me out with drawing my very own logo. PLZ!

This is Tech Jammer... and I welcome all.

But be warned, I follow the golden rule "Respect others, as they would do unto you."

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